一文搞懂 Pronoun:代词的定义、种类与用法
代词(Pronoun)是英语语法中一个至关重要的组成部分。它们就像语言中的“替身演员”,代替名词或名词短语,避免重复,使句子更简洁、流畅。 掌握代词的用法对于清晰、准确地表达至关重要。本文将深入探讨代词的定义、种类、用法以及常见错误,帮助你全面理解并熟练运用代词。
- 例句1: Mary is a talented artist. Mary paints beautiful landscapes.
- 例句2: Mary is a talented artist. She paints beautiful landscapes.
- 代词代替名词或名词短语。
- 代词避免重复,使句子更简洁。
1. 人称代词 (Personal Pronouns)
人称 | 单数主格 | 单数宾格 | 单数所有格 | 复数主格 | 复数宾格 | 复数所有格 |
第一人称 | I | me | my/mine | we | us | our/ours |
第二人称 | you | you | your/yours | you | you | your/yours |
第三人称 | he/she/it | him/her/it | his/her/its | they | them | their/theirs |
- 主格代词 (Subject Pronouns):用作句子的主语。
- I am learning English.
- He is a doctor.
- They are playing football.
- 宾格代词 (Object Pronouns):用作动词或介词的宾语。
- Give the book to me.
- I saw him yesterday.
- She is talking to them.
- 所有格代词 (Possessive Pronouns):表示所有关系,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。
- 形容词性物主代词 (Possessive Adjectives):修饰名词。
- This is my book.
- Her car is new.
- Their house is big.
- 名词性物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns):代替名词。
- This book is mine.
- The new car is hers.
- The big house is theirs.
- 形容词性物主代词 (Possessive Adjectives):修饰名词。
- "It" 既可以做主格,也可以做宾格。
- 形容词性物主代词 (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) 后面必须跟名词,不能单独使用。
- 名词性物主代词 (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs) 可以单独使用,代替整个名词短语。
2. 指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns)
- this (这个,单数,近处)
- that (那个,单数,远处)
- these (这些,复数,近处)
those (那些,复数,远处)
This is my pen. (这支笔是我的。)
- That is your book. (那本书是你的。)
- These are my friends. (这些是我的朋友。)
- Those are your shoes. (那些是你的鞋子。)
- This is a beautiful flower. (单独使用)
- This flower is beautiful. (修饰名词)
3. 疑问代词 (Interrogative Pronouns)
- who (谁,主格)
- whom (谁,宾格)
- whose (谁的)
- what (什么)
which (哪个)
Who is that girl? (那个女孩是谁?)
- Whom did you see? (你看见谁了?)
- Whose book is this? (这是谁的书?)
- What do you want? (你想要什么?)
- Which color do you prefer? (你更喜欢哪种颜色?)
- 在现代英语中,"whom" 逐渐被 "who" 取代,尤其是在口语中。但在正式的书面语中,仍然建议使用 "whom" 作宾语。
- "Whose" 既可以指人,也可以指物。
4. 关系代词 (Relative Pronouns)
- who (指人,主格)
- whom (指人,宾格)
- whose (指人或物,所有格)
- which (指物)
that (指人或物)
The man who is standing there is my father. (站在那里的男人是我父亲。)
- The girl whom I met yesterday is very nice. (我昨天遇到的那个女孩很好。)
- The book whose cover is red is mine. (封面是红色的那本书是我的。)
- The car which I bought is very expensive. (我买的那辆车很贵。)
- The dog that is barking is very noisy. (正在叫的那只狗很吵。)
- 在限定性定语从句中,"that" 可以代替 "who" 或 "which",但在非限定性定语从句中,不能用 "that" 代替 "who" 或 "which"。
- 关系代词在从句中可以作主语、宾语或所有格。
5. 不定代词 (Indefinite Pronouns)
- all (所有)
- any (任何)
- anyone/anybody (任何人)
- anything (任何事物)
- both (两者都)
- each (每个)
- either (两者中的任何一个)
- everybody/everyone (每个人)
- everything (每件事物)
- few (少数)
- many (许多)
- most (大多数)
- much (许多)
- neither (两者都不)
- nobody/no one (没有人)
- nothing (没有事物)
- one (一个)
- other (其他)
- several (几个)
- some (一些)
- somebody/someone (某人)
something (某事物)
All of the students passed the exam. (所有学生都通过了考试。)
- Is there anything I can do for you? (有什么我能为你做的吗?)
- Many people like to travel. (许多人喜欢旅行。)
- Neither of them is correct. (他们两个都不正确。)
- Someone is knocking at the door. (有人在敲门。)
- 不定代词通常作单数看待,谓语动词用单数形式。但 some, all, most 等根据其指代的具体内容,可以作单数或复数。
- some 和 any 的用法区别:some 通常用于肯定句,any 通常用于否定句和疑问句。但在表示请求或建议时,疑问句也可以用 some。
6. 反身代词 (Reflexive Pronouns)
- myself (我自己)
- yourself (你自己)
- himself (他自己)
- herself (她自己)
- itself (它自己)
- ourselves (我们自己)
- yourselves (你们自己)
themselves (他们自己)
I hurt myself while playing football. (我在踢足球时弄伤了自己。)
- He taught himself to play the guitar. (他自学弹吉他。)
- She looked at herself in the mirror. (她照镜子。)
- We enjoyed ourselves at the party. (我们在派对上玩得很开心。)
- They blamed themselves for the mistake. (他们为这个错误责备自己。)
- 反身代词不能作主语。
- 反身代词有时也用于强调,放在被强调的名词或代词后面。
- I myself did it. (是我自己做的。)
7. 相互代词 (Reciprocal Pronouns)
- each other (互相,用于两者之间)
one another (互相,用于两者以上)
The two brothers love each other. (这两兄弟彼此相爱。)
- The students helped one another with their homework. (学生们互相帮助做作业。)
- 在现代英语中,"each other" 和 "one another" 的区别逐渐模糊,可以互换使用。
8. 物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns): (已在人称代词中详细说明)
代词与先行词一致性 (Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement)
- 代词必须与其所指代的先行词(名词或代词)在数(单数、复数)和性(阳性、阴性、中性)上保持一致。
- 错误: The company announced their new policy. (公司是单数,代词应该是 its)
- 正确: The company announced its new policy.
- 错误: Each student must bring their own lunch. (student 是单数,代词应该是 his or her)
- 正确: Each student must bring his or her own lunch. (或者 Each student must bring their own lunch, 在现代英语中,用their指代单数的情况越来越常见。)
避免指代不明 (Ambiguous Pronoun Reference)
- 代词的指代对象必须清晰明确,避免产生歧义。
- 错误: John told Tom that he was wrong. (这里的 "he" 指的是 John 还是 Tom?)
- 改进: John told Tom, "You are wrong." (或者 John told Tom, "I am wrong.")
- 错误: When the car hit the truck, it was damaged. (这里的 "it" 指的是 car 还是 truck?)
- 改进: The car was damaged when it hit the truck.
- 主格代词用作主语,宾格代词用作宾语。
- 错误: Me and John went to the movies. (Me 是宾格,应该用主格 I)
- 正确: John and I went to the movies.
- 错误: This is a secret between you and I. (I 是主格,应该用宾格 me)
- 正确: This is a secret between you and me.
"Who" 和 "Whom" 的用法
- Who 做主语, whom做宾语。
- Who called?
Whom did you call?
- 在比较结构中,如果代词作主语,用主格;如果代词作宾语,用宾格。
- She is taller than I (am). (I 作 than 引导的从句的主语)
- He likes her more than (he likes) me. (me 作 than 引导的从句的宾语)
- 虽然代词可以避免重复,但过度使用会使句子含义不清。
- 错误: It is important to study hard, because it will help you succeed in your career, and it will also make you happy.
- 改进: Studying hard is important, because it will help you succeed in your career and find happiness.
- 在需要表示所有关系时,必须使用所有格代词。
- 错误: I borrowed book from John.
- 正确: I borrowed John's book. (或者 I borrowed a book of John's.)
- Its 是形容词物主代词,表示“它的”。
- It’s 是it is 或 it has 的缩写。
- The dog wagged its tail.
It's a beautiful day.
- Your 是形容词物主代词,表示“你的”。
- You're 是 you are 的缩写。
- Your car is very clean.
- You're very kind.
- 多阅读: 在阅读中注意代词的用法,分析其指代对象和功能。
- 多练习: 通过做练习题巩固代词的知识,并注意纠正常见错误。
- 多运用: 在写作和口语中积极运用代词,提高表达的准确性和流畅性。